Enlighten Me – Robbie Houcek

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Comments: 3 Responses

Topic: There’s more than one way to heal.

Guest: Robbie Houcek – www.RobbieHoucek.com

Robbie is a gifted Energy Therapist, healing facilitator, ceremonialist, speaker, and Apache initiated shaman. She has committed her life to supporting her clients in creating abundantly rich, emotionally authentic lives.

Robbie’s focused mission is to empower women to become the conscious creators of their own dynamic lives, to systematically examine the devastating beliefs that breed self-betrayal, sabotage relationships and undermine personal fulfillment. She uses a unique approach combining hypnotherapy, bodywork, energy therapy, and sacred, mystical ceremony to help her clients reshape their personal vision of what’s possible.

Robbie draws on over 20 years of experience leading women in sacred rituals – all drilling to the core of internal authenticity and self-discovery. She is a nationally certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an Emotional Integration Practitioner, an Associate Polarity Practitioner, an Ontological Kinesiologist, a certified Theta Healer and an ordained interfaith minister. She has co-authored two books, Remarkable Women and Getting Things Done; Successful Women Speak.


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3 Responses to “Enlighten Me – Robbie Houcek”

  1. Cindy Morris Says:

    I really appreciate that you interviewed Robbie and are broadcasting her work to the world. I think she is not only a gifted healer but also someone who can be trusted with one’s most important transformational work.
    I met Robbie at a conference and I knew immediately that she was someone I would be doing deep healing work with. And that’s just what evolved.
    Robbie has done profoundly healing work with me in way that really supports exactly who I am. Robbie’s shining quality is her fearlessness to look at pain and her willingness (and ability!) to get right down in there with the client and guide safely through dangerous waters.
    Robbie is just who I want with me on my lifeboat!

    Cindy Morris, msw
    Priestess Entrepreneur and Astrologer-at-large

  2. Alexandra Says:

    What a delight to find this interview online! Thank you very much for helping have Robbie’s voice be heard. Her work is so essential in our world today.

    I have known Robbie for about 30 years, and it has been my absolute gift to watch her grow over three decades to become the powerful and gifted healer that she is today. I have trusted, and will continue to trust her with my most sacred and intimate spiritual needs.

    She spiritually facilitated the home birth of my daughter almost 18 years ago, and has provided both of us invaluable guidance and healing along the way.

    My only regret is that we are physically separated by almost a full continent in our lives today. However, I hold her dearly in my heart and soul, and am blessed to know I can call on her in any time of energetic or spiritual need, and that she can and does provide healing even from thousands of miles away.

    Independent Consultant
    Rodan+Fields Dermatologists

  3. Jill Says:

    I was introduced to Robbie through a mutual friend when we were in our early 30’s, and later got to know her doing intense circle work with a group of women who met twice a month over a period of years. The words that leap to mind when I think of Robbie are determination, intelligence, detached compassion, positivism, commitment, power, focus, righteousness, receptivity, and last, but probably first, a wild sense of humor that manages to put everything into perspective. I’ve rarely met a human being who is so….immediate; so present. We can be separated for years and when we connect again it’s a blessed engagement. I think her foremost talent is a natural ability to stay completely in the moment, respectful of your process and infinitely helpful in offering spiritual tools that manage to be practical at the same time. She’ll stick with you until you completely understand what you need to know and doesn’t pass judgment. Robbie officiated at my daughter’s crossing: A ritual designed to facilitate a person’s entry into adulthood. Her program for Jorden’s crossing provided the necessary mystery, gravity and intention-building to make the experience very real and full of wonder. Today, Jorden is living her dreams: She braved her fear of the unknown and is now in Los Angeles, working for a film company, poor as a church mouse, and having incredible adventures. Robbie has always had that effect on people: Being around her dissolves the illusion of impossiblity and she is masterful at pointing to the portal of your own future–the one that resides deep inside. She’s a midwife of the soul, and at the risk of being blasphemous, a really raucous and fiercely loyal friend. You go, girl!